If you are creating or currently have an excel file with the contact information you would like to upload - make sure to "File" > "Save As" > ".CSV format"
- Save file in .CSV format
- Remove any/all 1's before phone numbers.
- Names, numbers, addresses, emails, etc. must be in separate columns.
- The document can only have one (1) sheet.
- Remove any/all titles above the columns.
Once the file is ready for upload, follow the steps below:
2) Upload .CSV file (ensuring all of the above requirements have been met)
3) Change the settings after uploading to the following:
- Change "Dilimeter" to " , "
- Change "First row" to "data"
- Change "Encoding" to "default"
4) Select "check"
5) After it loads, you will see a list of the contacts you would like to add (see attached image for reference). If it does not look as shown in the image, please go back and ensure all requirements were met before the document was uploaded. Try again once any necessary changes have been made, or contact support for further assistance.
6) If everything looks good, simply change the following:
- For "Name" --> change from "skip loading" to "column #0 or Column #1, etc." (depending on how data imported). Refer to image attached.
- For "Phone" --> change from "skip loading" to "column #0 or Column #1, etc." (depending on how data imported). Refer to image attached.
- For "Email" & others --> match with the above information ^
7) Finally, click "Load" to import all of your contacts.
8) After a couple minutes, you can check under "configurations" > "phonebooks" to ensure the information updated correctly.
**If you experience any issues or have additional questions regarding bulk uploads, feel free to contact our support team at
855-735-3600 or email us at